Sunday, February 6, 2022

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll


4/5 ๐ŸŒŸ

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+Alice's Adventures in Wonderland is a good, true and timeless classic read. Imaginative and fantastic in every way. The entire experience is uncanny in a good way, but also a fascinating adventure with all the characters.

+It's challenging for me. If you know me, I don't read a lot of classics. But thanks to my brother and best friend Jao Wonders who always inspire me to try different genres.

+I enjoyed it a lot. I've read this together with the graphic novel version. If I have a chance, I'll make sure to have a physical copy of this book. I highly recommend this book to readers of all ages.


What I've learned after reading Alice's Adventures in Wonderland:

+Curiosity often leads to trouble. BUT, it's okay to be curious. It means you want to try, learn and achieve some things in your life. Be impulsive from time to time. heh! ๐Ÿ˜Ž

+Even though taking risks can be scary sometimes, without risks and challenging situations, we will not grow.

+We're all mad. Just like The Cheshire Cat said. I'm not saying like bat sh*t crazy, what I mean is we are all unique in our own beautiful way. Some may say weird and peculiar. But that's okay. I like being weird. ๐Ÿ˜Š

+We have a purpose in life. Have you ever been in a situation where you think you cannot survive it or it doesn't make sense at all? Life is a mix of wonders. It's not always rainbow and sunshine. We need to find a way every day why we are here. It's not easy but hey, who doesn't love a challenging life? ๐Ÿ˜‰

+Be whomever you want to be. Don't be afraid of changes in your life. That's how we grow as a person.

+Dream and believe that you are capable of doing impossible things. Set your goals high! Strive for something you wouldn't imagine you could do. DON'T LET ANYONE DEFINE YOUR LIMITS! CHALLENGE YOUR LIMITS! 

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+Don't be burdened by your past mistakes and disappointments in life. In this mundane life, we all make mistakes. There's always a choice. Don't choose the easy way, do the right thing.

+Sometimes we all need to go through all hardship before we can find the way that will benefit us in the long run.

+Good things happen to those who wait. Wandering doesn't always mean you're lost. Sometimes there are just things you need to do or see before you get to where you need to be. There's always perfect timing in everything. Learn to wait. ๐Ÿค—

Buddy read with Jao. ♥

RD: 02/05/2022

#februaryread #alicesadventuresinwonderland #lewiscarroll #readingwrapup #bookstagram #bibliobibuli #randomunbosom #thebookrebellion #bookwhore #buddyreading #buddyreadwithjaowonders

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