Monday, January 15, 2024


There comes a time in a person's life when you feel lost. Events occur that you can't explain. It's the kind of moment when all your beliefs seem to slip away. Losing a loved one is painful, an unparalleled grief. It could be a beloved family member or a long-time pet. How should one face such trials?⁣
We often question God, WHY? But at the beginning, there's no answer. Confusion and anger may set in. I feel a mix of emotions. The pain we feel can blind us. But they say it's only temporary. The question is, when will your suffering end? It's impossible to forget what you've lost. How do you move forward? How? It's tough when you're the one experiencing such a situation. It might be easy to tell others to move on, to continue because that's what should be done. Should it? Or is it because you have no other choice?⁣
For me, the strength comes from the people who remain in your life to fight for you. It's hard, yes. But what other choice do we have but to hope that everything will be okay again? If we don't believe in something good, what do we hold onto?⁣
You may not believe in God, you may not pray, or you may simply not care. But one thing I know, if we don't believe that the next chapters of our lives will be better, if you don't pray to the God you believe in, chances are you won't last either.⁣
Yes, it hurts, but there are still people around you who hope. You're not alone in this fight. Many people are still praying that your life will turn out okay.⁣
As long as you're breathing, there's hope. So, if you're going through a tough time or if a loved one is lost, go ahead, cry, brother. There's time for mourning. But after that, you need to get up again. Keep fighting through life's challenges. God says, 'I have a beautiful plan for your life. Believe and pray. I love you. I will use the pain you feel for the good of your life according to my plan and timing.'⁣
A tight hug for everyone struggling and going through severe trials. It's okay to feel all the pain, then fight again. It's okay to pause and rest. It's okay not to be okay. Remember, you're never alone in this battle. God is merciful. We'll get through this. We'll overcome.⁣
Thank you for reading. Until next time, brother. My prayer is that each of us will have a good life. God bless us all.

-Mac Dubista 01.15.2024 (Bayanan, Manila Philippines)

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